Junior Leadership Program

Develop your management talent into future leaders. With our 10-module junior leadership program.

Talent development
for junior leaders

Attract and retain leadership talent by providing a transformative path to personal and professional development

Training program
for young managers

Train young leaders, integrate established and new leadership approaches and create a new leadership culture

Develop the next generation of leaders

Equip junior leaders with the skills and competences that will make your company successful today and in the future


Our previous participants, HR professionals and Learning & Development experts have given us excellent ratings!

What is the
Junior Leadership Program?

The junior leadership program is a structured development of leadership talent and provides the tools for a future leadership role. The program not only focuses on the personal and professional growth of leadership talents, but also provides them with innovative approaches for the development of other people and the company. As an employer, by offering the program to junior leaders, you are providing training that advances talents’ careers, increases retention and focuses on them as drivers of cultural change.

The Junior Leadership Program

In times of skills shortages and changing values among younger people, many companies are finding it difficult to attract and retain the next generation of managers. The triangility program for junior leaders conveys a new image of leadership. We focus on New Leadership and provide the necessary knowledge and fundamental skills for leadership today and in the future. But we also offer the opportunity to share personal experiences and network with other trainees on the junior leadership program.

We equip the next generation of leaders with the skills, tools and mindsets to succeed in today’s complex, uncertain and dynamic world. This program provides each emerging leader with the vision to grow personally and professionally. This enables your organization to foster talent retention and unleash and harness the full potential of young people.

The Junior Leadership Program covers key leadership skills such as self-reflection, communication, team development and cultural change. It also addresses challenges and opportunities arising from current megatrends, industry developments and changing customer needs. In this way, we equip young people with the skills and knowledge to lead themselves and others effectively in today’s VUCA world.

Through interactive live workshops, peer-to-peer learning and on-demand coaching, your talents will learn the latest principles and skills of leadership. They will learn from experienced mentors and build a network of peers within the organization. This also creates the foundation for bottom-up cultural change.

Content of the Junior Leadership Program


Start your learning journey with our 14 questions on “leadership identity”. You will gain initial insights into your beliefs and experiences that have shaped your view of leadership to date.

Module 1: New & Next - Leadership in transition

Understand the internal and, above all, external forces influencing companies:

  • Explore the concept of VUCA and reflect on how it impacts your personal and professional life (CYNEFIN Framework)
  • Identify current global and industry-specific trends that impact your customers’ behavior and your business operations (Megatrend Map & Value Pyramid)
  • Define the mindsets and skills required to lead in complex and uncertain times (New Leadership Principles)

Exercise 1: Analyze in groups how external changes in your industry and in the world at large affect the internal structures and processes of your company (Business Model Canvas & PESTLE Analysis)

Module 2: Self-Reflection

Change starts from the inside out as talents reflect on themselves and improve their effectiveness as (future) leaders:

  • Gain clarity on what leadership means to you and why you (don’t) want to be a leader based on your positive/negative experiences, assumptions, values and beliefs (Reflection Map)
  • Reflect on the unconscious parts of your personality and how they shape your leadership identity (Iceberg Model; Deconstructing Realities Process)
  • Gain insights into neuroscience to learn how to reprogram your mind and realize the full potential of your (leadership) identity.

Exercise 2: Think about who your hero was when you were 7, 14 and 21 years old and the role models you have today. Realize what you admired about them at each point in time and consider how you can begin to embody these qualities as well (exercise “Develop your hero”). Share this with the group in the next session.

Module 3: Self-Development

Learn how to drive your personal and professional development at work and in life:

  • Identify your personality type and associated strengths (DISC; Strengths Finder)
  • Identify areas for personal/professional growth (4 talent quadrants)
  • Become aware of the ways in which you unconsciously sabotage yourself (Saboteur Test)
  • Practice shifting your behavior pattern from an unconscious reaction to a conscious response (S.O.U.L. process)

Exercise 3: Create a simple and effective plan to develop new (leadership) competencies (Habit Hacking). Form groups of 3 to act as accountability partners for each other by conducting weekly check-ins to monitor and support the development of your peers.

Module 4: Lead through communication

Explore how to communicate well, avoid tension and get your message across:

  • Brush up on the basics of good communication, i.e. building rapport, active listening, asking deeper and broader questions
  • Become aware of your perception and how you give meaning to people, words and actions (4 ears model & tattoo girl exercise)
  • Recognize how cognitive filters influence your communication and reality shaping (role play)
  • Understand the nature of conflict (competing needs) and how to deal with tension (non-violent communication process; I-messages vs. you-messages)
  • Constructively receive and give feedback (3-2-1 GO)

Exercise 4: Form groups of 3 and practise how to deal with tension (non-violent communication process). As one person goes through the process, the others pay attention to how they phrase their message, pause their thoughts and create transparency to give feedback before switching roles.

Module 5: Lateral leadership

Learn to lead and influence, even if you do not yet have a formal leadership role:

  • Understand and influence the interest and commitment of relevant stakeholders (e.g. for a project)
  • Use the authority of other stakeholders for your project
  • Become aware of who and what you can (not) control (circle of influence)
  • Identify the relevant tasks, interests, pains and benefits of stakeholders (persona profiles)
  • Investigate how you can become an influencer in your organization
  • Brainstorm what you can do immediately to take more leadership (15% solutions)

Exercise 5: Take a project you are currently working on and analyze its stakeholders and their engagement. Develop strategies on how you can increase their trust in you and your project to influence their decision-making process (Commitment Game)

Module 6: High-Performance teams

Understand the key characteristics of high-performance teams and how to build them:

  • Learn the difference between groups and teams and what contributes to teams surviving or thriving (Model of the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team)
  • Explore the strengths of different team members and find lines of development (SKATE model)
  • Recognize how your beliefs about others affect their behavior and performance (Theory X & Y)
  • Encourage performance by providing autonomy and psychological safety (Trust vs. Performance Model)

Exercise 6: Form small groups and participate in a fun and co-creative drawing task to practice collaborating with others while allowing individual freedom within the process (The Beaver Game)

Module 7: Developing High-Performance teams

Become a transformational leader who helps teams to help themselves:

  • Understand flow and high performance and how to unleash them through purpose, strengths orientation, trust and psychological safety
  • Learn to lead groups with a focus on process and structure rather than expertise and experience (3 Leadership Lenses)
  • Build your dialogic skills to deepen the connection to and between your team members (The Dialogic Process; 4-player model)
  • Acquire coaching skills and practice growing your team (GROW model)

Exercise 7: Form groups of 3 (coach, coachee, observer) and start a coaching process based on the GROW model. Everyone gets the opportunity to practice as a coach, receive advice on a current challenge as a coachee and give 3-2-1-GO feedback as an observer.

Module 8: Collaboration & Co-Creation

Learn how to unleash everyone’s potential through dialogic collaboration:

  • Learn the basics of effective facilitation and identify the key characteristics of a good facilitator (SKATE competency model)
  • Brainstorm what makes a good workshop/meeting
  • Learn how to promote self-organization and autonomy in teams (Liberating Structures), with a focus on process and structures
  • Learn about hybrid leadership hacks to get the most out of virtual collaboration

Exercise 8: Identify a complex problem in your organization and choose a suitable Liberating Structure that would help solve the problem. Practice working with this structure and reflect together on how this self-organized way of working together differs from working with a leader who sets the direction.

Module 9: Impact through storytelling

Develop a new method to convey a message and create impact:

  • Understand the three dimensions of a successful presentation (3 cornerstones of storytelling)
  • Craft messages and stories that people remember by effectively combining information and emotion (5 Beats Storytelling Framework & Pitch Perfect)
  • Practice increasing your presence and authenticity as a presenter by understanding the importance of voice, body language and vulnerability

Exercise 9: Record a short 2 minute video of yourself applying for the position of your current job (Pitch Perfect). The videos will be shared with the group next time to give feedback on your storytelling and pitching skills and to vote for the best pitcher in the group.

Module 10: Accompany cultural change

Understand the cycle of transformations and your role in individual and organizational transformation:

  • Explore the visible and invisible part of your organization, i.e. artifacts, values/beliefs, assumptions (3 levels of culture)
  • Develop an ideal vision of the future: What should leadership in your company look and feel like in 3-5 years (Future Group)?
  • Summarize your visionary ideas in a structured and inspiring story that you can spread throughout your organization (Impact Map)

Exercise 10: Design a holistic transformation roadmap with detailed interventions on how you can individually and collectively change leadership in your organization (Integral Map)

Download the detailed description of the training as a PDF document here:

This is included in the Training:

Experienced Experts

Our experts have many years of experience with Leadership, Management, Leadership Development and have worked as managers in various companies. This expertise is now at your disposal.

Learning by doing

The training is a laboratory. You learn new things, apply them and reflect on what you have learned. Experience and reflection are an essential part of the training - we don't deliver a PowerPoint battle.

Learning Library

All participants have access to our extensive learning library with over 200 units, videos, templates and more resources, which can also be used in day-to-day leadership situations.


All participants work together intensively and form a community. Even after the training, you remain part of a leadership community and can actively develop your leadership skills.

Christian Hödl

#Leadership #DataDrivenLeadership #AgileLeadership #LeanInnovation

Mia Rosenzweig

#ConsciousnessHacking #CourseDesign #Leadership #Transformation

Henriette Hager

#leadership #sustainability #transformation #imagination #collaboration #conflictresolution

Make the Junior Leadership Program your in-house training

Would you like to run this as an in-house program? Would you like to work on specific case studies or challenges in your company?

We tailor our formats to your needs or the needs of your managers and teams. To start with, we offer you a free co-creation (90 min). Let’s start with an initial meeting

Our Method

This program consists of three integrated elements: Classroom training, challenges in self-organized learning groups and on-demand learning. In 10 modules, our experienced trainers provide helpful insights and skills relating to leadership, which are further developed in self-organized learning groups.

The active application of the content in everyday working life is crucial in order to not only deepen new knowledge, but also to achieve visible success for your organization. To make this possible, we provide participants with a wide range of exercises and tools that ensure an exceptional and successful learning experience and outcome.

In addition, we can tailor this learning journey to your organization and enable managers to act like in-house consultants and develop concrete approaches for New Leadership.

Customers of the Junior Leadership Program

Karlshochschule International University

Frequently Asked Questions

A junior leadership program is a training program designed to make it easier for employees to step into a leadership role. They are familiarized with the basic tasks of leadership, learn how to use the most important leadership tools and are often accompanied by a mentor. Companies have the opportunity to anchor their vision, strategy and culture in the next generation of managers.

Our program aims to introduce employees to every aspect of leadership. We teach important skills, provide resources and help people who will take on leadership responsibilities. During the program, we accompany each and every trainee in discussions, ensure networking and exchange, joint learning, resolve internal and external conflicts and are available for discussions.

After all, it is about more than imparting skills; it is about strong identification with the new role and the conscious assumption of responsibility. And in the future, it will be about more than key figures, but about developing your own personality, the team and the company’s success.

The junior leadership program is structured in 10 modules, each of which lasts half a day and can be held in person or online. The modules can also be combined and run over several days.

Each module is supplemented by self-organized learning tasks, which means that participation in the programme also involves self-study or working on case studies in learning groups. We provide support for this learning process through moderation and coaching.

Ideally, every employee who is going to take on a leadership role – but we also run this program in a slightly modified form for experts. Our New Leadership principles are new to everyone, so we do not impose any restrictions on our part.

Each training or program is developed to meet the specific requirements of your company. This begins with a co-creation, concept phase, iterative improvements and a roll-out. We don’t do anything “off the shelf”, but immerse ourselves deeply in your culture and structure. In this way, our work becomes part of your organizational development.

Admittedly, this is a challenge. How do you combine universal New Leadership principles and new leadership skills with very specific, strategic topics such as digitalization, AI or sustainability?

And how do you adapt this to your company? We master this through our community of trainers from different disciplines, who are integrated into the development process from the outset and “speak the same language”. This means we cover a diverse range of topics, but work together with the same spirit.

All of the trainers in our community have their own leadership experience, have all completed in-depth external coaching and/or trainer education and have also taken part in our internal train-the-trainer programs.

Contact us

Do you have questions about the Junior Leadership Program? We look forward to talking to you! We will be happy to answer your questions about your goals, topics, requirements and conditions for your transformation – and of course about dates and costs. Please write to Verena using the contact form.

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